• 10% Discount for SUV class

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

General conditions
The renter is asked to read carefully and to express their consent to these conditions by signing and accepting their terms. The owner reserves the right to refuse to rent the vehicle to a client without further explanation.

Tenant age
Minimum age of driver is 21 years. It must possess a valid driving license for at least 1 year.
The customer is financially responsible for damages against the owner or accidents produced to the rented vehicle by a driver who is not authorized by the owner.
Delivery / pickupThe vehicle is delivered to the customer in perfect condition, without apparent defects. Any complaints regarding the state have to be made on delivery.
The Customer undertakes to return the vehicle in good condition with all the accessories and related equipment, the date and place fixed in the contract.
After a delay of more than 3 hours it is considered that the vehicle was stolen and call police.

Terms Of Use
Customer agrees to these conditions.
The rented car must not be used or driven:
against the law on traffic, customs or others;transport of objects and professionally passenger overload allowing passengers or luggage, to the number of seats or weight limits written in the certificate of registration;to push or tow any vehicle, trailer or other vehicle;drunk, drugs, narcotics / sleeping pills or other substances that can affect the driver’s concentration or its capacity to drive;in case of a malfunction; In this case the car will be repaired at a service unit accepted by the owner;in competitions, races or tests;car not be left with the keys in the ignition, unlocked or with windows open;car can not be driven out instructions and manufacturer’s recommendations that are found in the user manual of the vehicle.Failure to comply with the conditions of use of the car makes the client financially responsible towards the owner.

Payment is by Visa and Mastercard or cash.
The customer assumes the responsibility to pay the owner the following:
rate specified in the lease;the car is delivered / Wholesale full tank and all will have returned with a full tank. Any fuel difference will be paid owner of 0.5% fuel price in excess of the market price euro / l;Minimum rental period is 24 hours;Traffic fines or any other violations of law Road Code;the loss of car documents, the lease or keys he will apply a penalty of 200 €;WARRANTY IS PERCEIVED € 200-500. This will be refunded upon delivery of the car, if it determines that it is in good condition with all the accessories and equipment and is returned to the place, date and time set in the contract;ensuring

The owner has full CASCO insurance for leased vehicles.
The customer chooses to sign the Contract for the following SCDW insurance in exchange for the payment of the guarantee:
SCDW – eliminating the customer’s financial liability in the event of an accident (is completely relieved of liability); SCDW is determined by car category.
Small cars/budget (Dacia Logan, Ford fiesta, Opel Corsa) – 9 euro/dayMedium cars / budget SUV (Ford Focus, Skoda Octavia, VW Passat, Dacia Duster) – 13 euro/daySUV/ Premium/ Van & Minivan- 19 euro/day
SCDW 1– 8 zile 9-14 days 15-25 days >25 daysSmall cars/budget Medium cars / budget SUV Premium cars/SUV/Van Discount Discount Discount9 € /day 13 €/day 19 €/day 20% 25% 35%If it is desirable to leave the territory of Romania, it is necessary to extend the CASCO policy, assuming an additional charge of 10 euro to 30 euro, depending on the value of the rented car and the transit countries.
Customer is responsible and agrees to pay all costs and claims paid for:
improper operation of the rented car, as well as damage to the engine, gearbox and differential due to lower oil level doatorate overheating or faulty use of the vehicle;Damage to the tires or tubes by cutting, pricking, explosion;damage due to overloading electrical system components;damages of any kind caused to the rented car as a result of driving on flooded roads;damages on any subsystems or components of the car as a consequence of non-observance of traffic safety rules and rules on the transport of luggage and their arrangement during transport;damaged banquets, carpets, upholstery and other interior elements of the car;car damaged as a consequence of its use in races, competitions or training;damage the car if:
the accident was caused by driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, sleeping pills or other substances that may affect the ability to concentrate the driver and the ability to drive and while committing other crimes on public roads, although these facts not occurred on public roads or committing other violations of law;the accident occurred, and the author tries to hide or not to declare the accident in due time;theft or attempted theft, unconfirmed by the Police or if the Police did not receive any complaint of theft or attempt; if people in the client’s family are involved in theft or attempted theft or, in case of legal persons, the person delegated;

The owner can not be responsible for accidents caused by the client or his companions, that may affect the car and for loss of objects within it.
The only case in which the customer must pay it when the car is destroyed due to his negligence (eg car was left open, the tapestry was burned with cigarettes, etc.).

Accidents, damage, theft
Customer agrees to protect the interests of the owner and the insurance company in case of accident, theft or destruction by:
obtaining names and addresses of eyewitnesses and the Party concerned;not to abandon the car without being guarded;Telephone announcement to the owner within 3 hours after any incident;Documents that must be obtained in case of accidents, damage or theft
The following documents must be obtained from the police station immediately after the accident or theft, and they must be mentioned:
1. Police Report / Appendix 2: signed by the officer who wrote it will be recorded and stamped compulsory accident if the car was driven or not drunk;
2. Authorization to repair the signature of the officer who wrote it and stamp of the Police station, or directly from the insurer in case of accidents that are not inplicate other cars or people.
in case of absence of the documents mentioned above or Roman law violations, the Highway Code or conditions of lease, the client / driver is responsible for all damages, costs or losses caused to the owner.

Customer agrees with the invalidity of any terms and conditions that have occurred without written notice thereof without mutual consent.

Any conflict that may arise from renting, according to the previous terms will be settled by the Court of Bucharest.

Car rental rates
Minimum rental period is one day (24 hours). First hour over 24 is free, in one hour delay will be charged a full day rental from standard fare.
For long term rentals of at least one month, contact us.

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